Je Suis Un Voyou
by Georges Brassens
English translation:
I'm A Queer Galoot
Copyright 1977 by Leonard Lehrman

At the bottom of heart
lies a tale I'll tell
Phantom mem'ries of a woman
that won't fade away
And though time has done his bit
as we all know too well
Such a love will ever last
and I mean "for aye."

On the day I found Margot
I just lost my wits
Goddess nymph in clogs and woolens
Nothing of which fits
If the flowers in the garden
Started walking about
They'd remind me of my darling
Yes, without a doubt.
I said "Portrait of a sorrow-
ful Madonna--you"
May God pardon me tomorrow
It was almost true
Let him pardon me or not
I don't give a hoot
There's no hope for my salvation
I'm a queer galoot.

When in church she took her place
For to pray that night
Of her lips--to learn their taste--
I just took a bite
Then she said to me severly
"Who do you think you're with"
But she let me do it twice,
Thrice, a fourth, a fifth...
"Just your presence let me borrow"
I said--"I won't tell"
May God pardon me tomorrow
But then what the hell
Let him pardon me or not
I don't give a hoot
There's no hope for my salvation
I'm a queer galoot.

On the day I lost Margot
I just lost my wit
Now against her will she's married
To some hypocrite
At this very moment she
Probably has no rest
For she must have two or three
Brats who want her breast
As for me I sucked their mother
Long before they could
May God pardon me tomorrow
It was... pretty good
Let him pardon me or not
I don't give a hoot
There's no hope for my salvation
I'm a queer galoot.

Original French text may be found at

Le Parapluie (The Umbrella)
by Georges Brassens (1952-54)
Eng. tr. by Leonard Lehrman (2006)

Rained cats and dogs along the highway.
She was out walking, umbrellalessly.
Oh, but I had one, acquired my way
That afternoon clandestinely.
Saw her predicament, so I pursued her,
Off'ring to share a corner with me.
Dried herself off - couldn't look cuter -
She softly smiled and answered: "Oui."

Beauty is as it does
Like an angel she was
And no more umbrellalessly
Like an angel she was
Beauty is as it does
'Twas a corner of heaven for me.

Counted myself one lucky fella
Hearing the rain pounding so tenderly
Down on the roof of my umbrella -
A serenade for her and me.
I'd have preferred that it keep raining
For forty days and nights ceaselessly
So that she'd stay with no restraining -
I'd shelter her so eagerly.


Ah, but alas, every good turn
Comes to an end, eventually.
After the rain there comes the sunburn,
And dreams evaporate, you see.
And so, of course, she had to leave me
But not without first saying, "Merci."
And if appearances don't deceive me,
Will she remember? No, not she.


Original French text may be found at