How beautiful, how beautiful the earth is (Juchhe!) op.6#4
Dark, how dark it is in the forest and field (Von ewiger Liebe) op.43#1
When the silvery moon beams through the shrubs (Die Mainacht) op.43#2
Oh, if I only knew the road back (Heimweh II) op.63#8
I beat the drum roll loudly so (Tambourliedchen) op.69#5
If my dear one sings like a finch (Salome) op.69#8
I sit by the shore of the rushing sea (Verzagen) op.72#4
At twilight the summer evening lies (Sommerabend) op.85#1
Roses from the dark hedge I plucked at night (Sapphische Ode) op.94#4
A young maiden pledged (Vorschneller Schwur) op.95#5
Death is the cool night (Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht) op.96#1
Ho there, Gypsy! Strike resoundingly each string (He, Zigeuner) op.103#1
High and towering river Rima (Hochgetürmte Rimaflut) op.103#2
Know ye, when my loved one is fairest of all this (Wißt ihr, wann) op.103#3
Dear God, Thou know'st how oft I've rued this (Lieber Gott, ddu weißt) op.103#4
Brown the lad, blue-eyed the lassie (Brauner Bursche) op.103#5
Rosebuds three, all on one tree, ye bloom so red (Röslein dreie) op.103#6
Art thou thinking often now, sweetheart, my love (Kommt dir manchmal) op.103#7
Rosy evening clouds hang in the firmament (Rote Abendwolken) op.103#8or11
Sister dear, when are we going home? (Schwesterlein) op.posth.WoO33#15,37#1