Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 825-6422



Classical Music Concert Series II Recital #3

in conjunction with Court Street Music of Valley Stream

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5:00 pm (Live on Zoom)

Honoring Womenıs History Month

performed by Helene Williams, Daniel Hyman, Leonard Lehrman

and special guest Perri Sussman*

in music of  Clarke, Fox, Laitman, Lann, Mandelbaum, McLean, Schumann, Spektor

to words by Albiston, Balducci, Chamisso, Dickinson, Gimbel, Joyce, Kramer, Lieberman, Rukeyser

and words & music by Berryman, Lehrman, Segal

[in memoriam Mira J. Spektor, 1930-2021]



Where Do I Belong? (from E.G.)................................. Karen Ruoff Kramer-Leonard Lehrman


My Dove, My Beautiful One (from Chamber Music).......................James Joyce-Vanessa Lann


Orpheus (world premiere)(dedicated to Miriam Schneir).........Muriel Rukeyser-Leonard Lehrman


Lullaby for Violin & Piano....................................................................................Lori Laitman


*Emily Dickinson Song Cyclette......................................................................Leonard Lehrman

I Felt a Cleaving – I'm Nobody – Wild Nights

*Why Do They Shut Me Out of Heaven?......Emily Dickinson-Leonard Lehrman-Joel Mandelbaum


Missing Him (from An Australian Odyssey)...............................Jordie Albiston-Leonard Lehrman


Sonata for Viola & Piano in 3 Movements............................................................Rebecca Clarke

Impetuoso - Vivace - Adagio; Agitato


Turn Around (from Giovanni the Fearless)

                              .......................................Carolyn Balducci-Mira J. Spektor, arr. Mimi Stern-Wolfe


*Empty Chairs/Killing Me Softly....Don McLean-Lori Lieberman-Norman Gimbel-Charles Fox


Underneath the Spanish Stars..........................................................................................Edith Segal


Zelophehad's Daughters (from Sisters).................................................................Leonard Lehrman


4 Songs.......................................................................................................Lou & Peter Berryman

Your State's Name Here

Cockroach Christmas (3rd verse by Leonard Lehrman)

Why Am I Painting the Living Room?

Goodnight, Everybody


*Frauenliebe und Leben..................................................Adelbert von Chamisso-Robert Schumann

Seit ich ihn gesehen - Er, der Herrlichste von allen -  Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben

Du Ring an meinem Finger - Helft mir, ihr Schwestern - Suesser Freund

An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust -  Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz gethan