List of Works (by Genre) of Leonard J. Lehrman, as of Feb. 27, 2025

I. Instrumental Music (58 Works, 99 Pieces)
II. Choral Music (49 Works, 92 Pieces)
III. Songs For Solo Voice(s) (166 Works, 314 Pieces)
(With Piano Unless Otherwise Specified)
IV. Stage Works:
Operas (12)
Musicals (7)
Incidental Music (8)
Translations (64)
Adaptations (18)
I. Instrumental Music (58 works, 98 pieces)
Cello-Piano Suite #4, op. 241 Sep. 2019
1) Why Do They Shut Me Out of Heaven? (op. 231A)
2) After-Life Irony (op. 235A)
3) "next to of course god" (op. 65B)
4) The Rainbow Shards (op. 238A)
5) The Lion (op. 240A #1)
6) The Purist (op. 240A #2)
7) The Termite (op. 240A #3)

Why Do They Shut Me Out of Heaven?, op. 231B, for clarinet & piano

7 Meditations on Hiroshima, op. 239 25'00" July 2019, for Tom Piercy
Movements 1, 2, 3 & 7 performable separately:
1) Dies Irae
2) Mors stupebit
3) Liber Scriptus
4) Lacrymosa
5) Rex Tremendae
6) Apotheosis
7) Libera Me

After Life Irony (Martin Anderson) for string orchestra, with or without voice,
op. 235 (2'22) in memory of Yodit, Mar. 2019 PrC

Alex Caramihai - for solo piano, op. 233 1'30" Sept. 26, 2018

kriStiAn FAjArDo - for solo piano, op. 228 2'10 Jan. 2017

Russian Suite for Cello & Piano, op. 26 25' Oct. 2016
8 movements:
1) Benediction (cello unaccompanied) - see op. 43
2) Me & Russia (cello & piano) - see op. 80
3) Greeting (cello & piano - or cello & vibraphone) - see op. 42 #1
4) Krylov Quartet (cello & piano) - see op. 42 #2
5) Nightingale in a Dream (cello unaccompanied) - see op. 42 #3
6) My University (cello & piano) - see op. 25
7) Winter Morning (cello & piano) - see op. 86 #2
8) Untitled (cello & piano) - see op. 221

Margaret's Ghost - for violin & piano, op. 222 #4A 2'00" Mar. 2016
--for oboe or English horn & piano, op. 222 #4B 2'00" Mar. 2016

miCHAEl (StEpHEn) Brown - solo pno pce for Michael Brown, op. 223, 3'30" Dec. 2015

Variations for Violin & Piano on "Maid of Athens," op. 217, 4'00"
Melody by Nathaniel Lehrman; in memory of Emily R. Lehrman, Jan. 2015

In Memoriam ArnolD roSnEr, op. 214 (5'20'), Dec. 4, 2013 organ solo
---for (commissioned by) Carson Cooman

The Waning Moon for Woodwind Quintet, op. 115B (3'20"), Aug. 2013
Looking at the Stars, op. 168B for woodwind quintet (2'15"), Aug. 2013

for Ben & Hannah, op. 209 (2') piano solo on their names
(BEnjAmin jAmES SpiErmAn AnD HAnnAH AvivA roSEnBAum)
in honor of their wedding on Grand Isle, VT Sep. 30, 2012

Prelude for Lloyd [lloyD CHriStopHEr Dy-tAnEDo], op. 204 (1'06") piano solo, Dec. 2011

Harvard-Radcliffe Reflections, op. 203 (3'21") Organ Postlude, Summer 2011

Theme & Variations: SCottEtAnFEinEr, op. 200, for piano 4 hands:
Allegro ma non troppo, Poco scherzando, Quasi barcarolle, Rapsodico,
Scherzando ancora, Waltz, Farandole, Balkanesca, Fuga: Allegretto (ma non troppo)

Russian Study, op. 199 piano solo (1') for Karen Gustave, May 2011

Suite: Remembrance, op. 197A for piano 4 hands (10') Mar. 2011, 4 mvts (10'):
I Remember, Hitler in Hameln, I'd Like to Go Away Alone, From 6 Million Nameless Graves

Suite #2 for String Quartet: Remembrance, op. 197, Dec. 2010, 4 mvts (10'):
I Remember, Hitler in Hameln, I'd Like to Go Away Alone, From 6 Million Nameless Graves

For roBErt voiSEy, op. 196 piano solo (1') for Robert Voisey's 40th birthday, Fall 2009

Meditation for 2 Pianists - 4 Hands or Two Pianos, op. 195 (2-3')
for Marcio Bezerra & Estibaliz Gastesi, Aug. 2009

Jasmine Choi, op. 192 piano solo (1') for Jasmine Choi, Spring 2009

ES & LJL, op. 189 piano solo (1') for Jordan Witter, Spring 2009

Syracuse Variations, op. 188 piano solo (3'), Summer 2008

jordan witter, op. 187 piano solo (1') for Jordan Witter, Spring 2008

Scaling the Heights, op. 175 #1 piano duet (1') for Chris & Karen Gustave, Feb. 1, 2006

Climbing Down, op. 175 #2 piano duet (1') for Chris & Karen Gustave, Mar. 14, 2006

Up Again, op. 175 #3 piano duet (1') for Chris & Karen Gustave, Mar. 14, 2006

For Keysha [Nembhard], op. 174 piano solo (1') Dec. 2, 2005;
renamed & rededicated For Cheyenne [Ali], 2013

The Pentatonic Pentateuch, op. 173 for Kaitlin & Geoffrey Kirsner - piano duet 2'45" Oct. 2005

Pentatonic Prelude - for Jasmine (Choi), op. 172 piano solo 2'30" Oct. 2005

Fanfare, Summer 2003, op. 160 (Apr. 2003) 20"

Six Duettinos for 2 Violins, op. 143 ea. c. 3'
commissioned by & dedicated to Marilyn Siegel Smith
Sept.-Oct. 2000; Mar. 2001

Suite for Cello & Piano, op. 133 (1997)
for Suzanne Schanzer in memory of Benar & Olga Heifetz
Estimated Timings:
1. A Light in the Darkness (2'15")
2. The Shepherd (3'30")
3. Thanatos (2'00")
4. Eros (3'00")
5. The Definition (2'00")
6. The Moon (4'00")
7. The Painted Veil (5'00")
8. Night (1'00")
9. Thinking of You (2'30")
10. Don't Ask (3'00")
11. One Day (3'00")
12. A Blessing (2'00")
Total Estimated Time: 33'15"
#1-6 and 7-12 may be performed as Suites #1 and 2.
Timings: 16'45" & 16'30"

For oyStEr BAy-EAst norwiCH puBliC liBrAry (2 min.), op. 132
Dedicatory Piano Solo, June 8, 1997

The Longest Stairs (81") (March 1995), op. 117
after poem from Rosten's Songs for Patricia
version for piano alone prem. 5/17/95 Borough Hall, Brooklyn
(broadcast on cable TV)

Beneath the Waning Moon (4 min.) (Summer 1994)
for Violin & Piano, op. 115A

Invention in A-flat minor (1 min.) (June 1993), op. 113
for Piano or Harpsichord

Bells & Birches (1992)(2 1/2 min.), op. 108 #2 [based on song, op. 92]
from Winter Suite for Treble Voices, Recorders & Orff Instruments

Piano Suite "Reinecke Fuchs" (1982) op.64
after incidental music for Goethe (9'11")
English version, Reynard the Fox, shortened from 51,000 words to 4,000

Sonatina for Tuba Alone (1980) op.58
(3 movements, 5 min.)

Prelude: "Bloody Kansas"-- for Orchestra
(1 min.) (1975) op.39

Sonata or Concerto for Violin and Piano
or Violin and Orchestra (1970-75) op.33
(3 movements, 16 min.)

3 Fantasies for 4 Hands of 2 Good Friends
or String Quartet (10 min.) (1970-73) op.31

Piano Trio (4 movements, 6 min.) (1969-70) op.27

Three Studies for Piano (2 min.) (1968) op.20

Chorale Prelude on"Kol Nidre" (1967) op.18
for String Quartet (3 min.)

Sonata for Piano and Tape (1968) op.16 (3 movements, 13 min.)

Duet (2 min.) (1967) op.17
for Flute/Oboe/Bb Clarinet/Alto Sax/Violin
and A clarinet/Bassoon/Horn/Trombone/Viola/Cello

String Trio (4 movements, 11 min.)(1968) op.15
in memory of Martin Luther King

Variations for Piano on "Cold Blows the Wind"
("The Unquiet Grave" Child Ballad #78) (5 min.) Summer 1966 op.10

Sonatina for Oboe Alone (1966-69) op.9 (3 movements, 5 min.)

Addendum (Encore): March for Oboe and Two Left Feet
(1 min.)(1966) op.9A

Chorale for Two Pianos (3 min.) (1966) op.7

Sonata for Flute and Piano (1963-64) op.4
(5 movements, 15 min.)
or [in shortened form]
Sonatina for Flute and Piano
(2 movements, 5 min.)

Concerto for Flute and Orchestra (1963-82) op.4A
(5 movements, 15 min.)
or [in shortened form]
Concertino for Flute and Orchestra
(2 movements, 5 min.)

Two Short Trios (@ 2 min.) (1963-64) op.5
for Flute, Oboe & Clarinet
or Oboe, Violin & Viola

Two Short Piano Pieces (@ 2 min.) (1963-64 ) op.3
1) Ma Meilleur Aufsatz
2) Promenade

II. Choral Music (49 works, 92 pieces)
A Little Harvard Hate Fugue (SATB), op. 255 (3'00") June 2021
Words by Tom Lehrer; Music quotes "Fair Harvard" && his "Fight Fiercely Harvard"

A Canon for Queens College (SATB), op. 219 (1'30") Apr. 2015

The Robert Herrick Julia Poems, op. 210 (4'30") for mixed chorus a cappella;
to Julie Morgan, for Harold Rosenbaum, Oct. 29, 2012

The Man Who Controls the Drones, op. 206 (Joel Shatzky)(3') for voice & piano
--with optional chorus, June 20, 2012

If, op. 194 (Rudyard Kipling) for SATB & piano (6') Aug. 2-12, 2009
to my Dad, for Helene, Faith & Charles

Prayer of St. Francis, op. 193 - SAB - for United Methodist Church Huntington/Cold Spring Harbor,
to Rev. Warren Beaven, in memory of Dr. Sterrett P. Beaven 7/15/09 (2'30")

Conspiritor Reality, op. 184, from Alger opera in progress with Kim Rich; choral version (3'10"), 2010

Sonnetina #15: When in disgrace, op. 181 (Shakespeare Sonnet 29) for SMMTTB (2'10") Mar. 2007

Hillel Tripartite Mantra, op. 179 4-part round (Mykonos, July 2006)in Hebrew & in English 1'00"

The Piper (Karen Euler), op. 177 for SATB & Flute 3'00"
prem. Christ Church Babylon, June 4, 2006

Hold Fast to Dreams (Langston Hughes), op. 170 for SATB & Keyboard 3'00"
prem. Christ Church Babylon, Oct. 2, 2005, for Daniel Pearl World Music Days;
concert prem. by Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus,
Jan. 15, 2006 Long Beach Library and Feb. 12, 2006 Great Neck House

Second Inaugural (text from Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural), op. 169
for SATB & Keyboard 2'00"
prem. Christ Church Babylon, Feb. 13, 2005;
concert prem. by Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus,
Jan. 15, 2006 Long Beach Library and Feb. 12, 2006 Great Neck House

Where Is the Song of the Artist on Long Island? (text: George Wallace & composer) op. 165
for SATB & Piano 3'07" Nov. 2003, prem. Oceanside Chorale Dec. 11, 2005
Two Abel Meeropol Rounds, op. 155 (ea.1'00")
1. The Purple Couch (2 parts)
2. If All of the Papers (3 parts)
prem. by Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus, Queens College, Feb. 23, 2003

A Cereal Christmas Carol, op. 151 (1'00") for voice(s) and accompaniment, Dec. 2001
premiered at American Composers Forum NY Chapter Christmas party, Dec. 15, 2001

Life Is A Gift (1'15') for 3-part chorus, op. 150 Oct. 14, 2001
text based on Presbyterian Church Confession of 1967
premiered at Malverne Community Presbyterian Church, Nov. 2001
(and at ecumenical Thanksgiving service, Nov. 21, 2001)

What Can I Give? (Christina Rossetti) 2-part canon with accompaniment, op. 145 c.2'
for the Malverne Community Presbyterian Church Junior Choir, prem. by them 12/17/00

Faith (James Baldwin) (3') for solo voice or chorus & piano, op. 138
choral prem. Malverne Community Presbyterian Church, 11/15/98; solo prem. Hofstra 1/17/99

The Stairway, op. 135 (2') a round for Pete Seeger, Apr. 25, 1998
prem. Malverne Community Presbyterian Church Choir, composer 6/14/98 (& 11/15/98)

Shalom Rav (Hebrew) for Two-Part Chorus (2 min.)(1996), op. 130

Mee Shabeyrakh (2 min.)(1997), op. 129A
prem. 7/3/97 at American Conference of Cantors convention at Huntington Hilton Hotel
by Faith Steinsnyder & David Perper

Friday Evening Service (Trad. wds in Hebrew & English) (38 min.)(1996-7),
op.129. for Cantor, SATB, Children's Choir, Organ/Pno
+ obbligato Flute, Clarinet, Harp, Violin & Cello
commissioned by North Shore Synagogue
prem. 4/11/97
1. Prelude
2. A New Song(Sheer Khadash)(Heb.&Eng.)
3. Reader's Kaddish(Heb.)
4. Borchu(Heb.)
5. Shma(Heb.)
6. Mee Khamohka(Heb.)
7. Hashkivenu(Heb.orEng.)
8. V'Shomru(Heb.)
9. Avot V'Emahot (Heb.[arr.])
10. Yism'khu (Heb.)(see op. 53 #1)
11. Zog nit keynmol (Yid.&Eng.[arr.])
12. Shalom Rav(Heb.)
13. Meditation
14. May the Words(Eng.)(see op. 52A)
15. Adoration(Eng.)(see op. 53 #2),
16. Kaddish Underscore (see op. 63)
17. Lo Yisa Goi(Heb.[arr.])
18. Postlude

Battle Cry of the Administration of the Music Library Association, op. 119
for SATB (3 min.) 8/2/95
published by Music Library Association Newsletter, May-June'96

Be Gentle (3 min.) (March 1993), op. 110
for Voice or SATB & Piano/Organ
(text: Rev. Richard S. Gilbert)

Three School Songs (Sept.-Oct. 1992), op. 109
1. Cultural Elite Round (3 parts) (1')
2. Presidents' Song (2')
3. Music - The Beginning (0'20")

Winter Suite for Treble Voices, Recorders & Orff Instruments, op. 108 (8 1/2 min.) 12/92
1. Silence - Introduction & Optional Refrain text by composer
2. Bells & Birches - Instrumental
3. Why So Pale? - Solo/Duet with accompaniment, text: Sir John Suckling
4. A Lady - Solo or unison Chorus w/accompaniment - text: Anonymous
5. Spell - Ensemble Finale - text by composer
based, respectively, on opp. 109#3, 92, 35#1, 50, and 109#1

I'd Like To Go Away Alone (1 1/2 min.) (Feb. 1991), op. 105
(Text: Alena Synkova, translation by Jeanne Nemcova)
for Voice & Piano/Organ; prem. 6/23/91 Merkin Hall - Helene Williams
arr. for Solo Soprano w/SATB Chorus & Piano/Organ, op. 105A

Choral Suite from New World [see Opera, op. 102]

A Requiem for Hiroshima (25 min.)(1990), op.101
text: Lee Baxandall (1959, rev. 1988-9))
for SATB Soli, Chorus and Orchestra/Piano&Organ
[chamber orch version: shakuhachi, flute/piccolo, clarinet, trumpet, koto,
percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello, and contrabass]
1. Dies Irae (THE DEAD CRY OUT)
2. Mors stupebit (WHO MAY JUDGE)
4. Lacrymosa (THE KILLED)
5. Rex Tremendae (THE KILLER)
6. Libera Me (NO REST)

Zelophehad's Daughters for SSMMA & Piano/9 instruments
(4-5 min.) (1989) op. 100#3

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
for SATB with piano or winds & percussion
(8 min.) (1988) op.99

We Are Innocent, cantata on letters of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg (1988)
(12 movements, 48 min.) op.94
for soprano, baritenor, opt. chorus, pno/orch.

Conscience (Lewis Allan) (1987) (3 min.) op.93A
for SATB or TTBB Chorus with optional Piano/Organ/Orch
Winner, Sunrise/Sunset Competition
orch. prem. 7/13/02 Brookhaven Arts Festival,
Martin Rutishauser, cond.

Instead of Mellowness (I MISS YOU) (1987) op.91
(text: Helene Williams)
Soprano Solo with SATB or Piano (2 min.)

Cantata: Jewish Voices in Germany
[Juedische Stimmen in Deutschland](1986) op.79
(in English or German, 14 mvts) (30 min.)
SSAATTB or Baritenor & Soprano
with Piano or Orchestra

Legacy and Perpetual Reminder
[Vermaechtnis und stete Mahnung] (Mauthausen)
for Children's Chorus (3 1/2 min.), op.73#5A

Take Note (Speech Into the Mirror)
[Merk dir (Spruch in den Spiegel)] (1985)
SATB a cappella or with Pno/Orch (3 min.) op.73#3A

Nachtmusikanten TTBB a cappella (1984) op.75
(German text: Abraham a Santa Clara)
or with String Quintet (5-6 min.) op.75A

The Night is Darkening Round Me (1983)
(text: Emily Bronte) (2 min.) op.70
TTBB or Solo Alto or Baritone
with Piano and/or Suspended Cymbal

Dawn in New York (2-4 min.) (1981) op.59#1
(text: English tr. of Federico Garcia Lorca)
Solo Soprano/Mezzo + Chorus
(from I Love New York)

Yism'khu (arr. trad. melody) (1979) op.53#1 [+op.129]
Cantor (Baritone), Chorus & Organ (2 min.)

Adoration: May the Time Not Be Distant
for Solo Soprano + SATB (1979) op.53#2 [+op.129]
with Piano or Organ (4 min.)

May the Words (2 min.) (1979) op.52A
Soprano Solo + TTBB and Piano/Organ
(from Hannah Act I)

Fugue for a Jewish Wedding (1978) op.52B
SATB + Piano/Organ (1 min.)
also for piano/organ solo; suitable for Palm Sunday (from Hannah Act II)

There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind (1977) op.50A
(text: Anon.) for Solo Tenor/Soprano
a cappella + SATB or (2 min.)

How Do I Love You? (Sonnetina #3) (4 min.)
(text: Karl Shapiro sonnet parodying
Elizabeth Barrett Browning sonnet;
music parodies Ravel Quartet)
SATB with Piano/String Quartet (1970-72) op.28A

Monsieur Croche a la Boulangerie (1969) op.22
(French text: Claude Debussy) ATB (3 min.)

When Smoke Stood Up From Ludlow
(text: A.E. Housman) (5-6 min.) (1966) op.8
SSAA with flute and piano

Sweet and Low SSAA with Piano (1965) op.6#3
(text: Alfred, Lord Tennyson) (4 min.)

Prayer for Peace (Bar Mitzvah Cantata) (1962) op.2
SATB with Organ/Piano (5 min.)

III. Songs for Solo Voice(s) (166 works, 314 pieces)
with Piano unless otherwise specified
Untold Stories (Edward A. Thibault, 2021), op. 271 for voice & piano

Does Lady Liberty Still Stand? aka Lady Liberty, op. 270 (Christina Starobin)
for solo or multiple voices, with guitar or keyboard,

Our Four Seasons (A Négy Évszakunk) - 4 Songs for Voice & Piano, op. 269
on poems by Giza Tatrallyay, in Hungarian and (to be sung) in English:
1 Summer revels (Nyári mulatás)
2 The chill of autumn (Az öszi hideg)
3 The cold, grey winter is coming... (Már jönn a szürke rideg tél...)
4 After the spring rain (Tavaszi esö után)

2 Hannah Arendt Songs, op. 268, in German or in English
1 Fahrt durch Frankreich (Drive Through France), 1952
2 Ein Maedchen und ein Knabe (A Maiden and a Lad), 1954

Skovron Cycle, op. 267 - 4 Songs for Voice & Piano
on poems from Alex Skovron's book, Letters from the Periphery:
1 Plato (1'30")
2 The Dream - sonnet translated by Skovron from the Spanish of Jose Borges (2'15")
3 To My Half-Brother - in memoriam Aleksander Skowron (1942-44)[June 2012] (6'30")
4 Only the Music (4'30")

The Expulsion (Katha Pollitt), op. 266 (3'30") for Voice & Piano

for Kathryn Wieckhorst (Dirk Schattner), op. 265 (2'22") for Voice & Piano

Betsy (Jim Lehrman) 10-part song cycle for High Voice & Piano, op. 264 (12'02")
in memory of Betsy Lehrman (1953-2023)

Blues de la Pluie (Aimé Césaire), op. 263 (2'00") for Soprano & Piano
arr. Violin & piano; violin, horn & piano

Labyrinth of Love (Louis Untermeyer), op. 262 (20'04")
8-song cycle for Soprano, Baritone & Singing Violist
1) Look Up (Soprano) 1'36"
2) Lovers (Baritone) 1'21"
3) Heart to Heart (Soprano) 1'46"
4) Love Is a Smith (Baritone) 1'21"
5) Beyond Passion (Soprano) 1'25"
6) There Are Times (Baritone) 2'30"
7) The Door (Duet) 1'17"
8) Paradise (Trio) 8'48"

SUN/SUN (Kathy Boudin), op. 261 (6'54") for Female Voice & Piano

Habitation (Margaret Attwood), op. 260 (1'35") for Soprano & Piano

Orpheus (Muriel Rukeyser), op. 257 (2'41")for Voice & Piano

The Hill We Climb (setting of the complete inaugural poem by Amanda Gorman),
op. 256 (13'49") for Voice & Piano

Love Is Revolution/Worst Class Ever? (Jane Collins), op. 254 (2'36")
for Voice & Piano

A Callares (Keeping Quiet) (Pablo Neruda, Eng. tr. from the Spanish by composer), op. 253 (4'40")
for Voice & Piano, in Spanish or in English

A Hometown Is More Than Just a Town (Kim Rich), op. 252 (5'11")
for 2 Voices & Piano - song #2 for York Theatre Competition, Round 6

Poets in Their Own Home Town (Kim Rich), op. 251 (3'41")
for Solo Voice & Piano - song #1 for York Theatre Competition Round 6

Imaginary Graduation Speech, op. 250 (3'59")
for 2 Voices & Piano - York Theatre Competition Round 5

What Matters, op. 249 (2'35")
for 2 Voices & Piano - York Theatre Competition Round 4

Thinking Outside the Box (George Wallace), op. 248 (4'06")
for 2 Voices & Piano - York Theatre Competition Round 3

Stages Thru the Ages or Anything Can Happen in the Theatre - and It Does!
(Barbara Kahn), op. 247 (7'10"-7'25")
for 2 Voices & Piano - York Theatre Competition Round 2

Pity the Nation (Lawrence Ferlinghetti), op. 246 (2') for voice a cappella or with piano

Coming to Life at the York (Barbara Kahn), op. 245 (4'09")
for 2 Voices & Piano - York Theatre Competition Round 1

For My Father, op. 244 (4'16")
for Soprano & Piano, Feb. 29, 2020
for Helene & Ben, on Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle"

Two Tauberg Songs, op. 243 (6'10")
for Voice & Piano, Nov. 2019
for Helene & Florin Estafan
on poems by Zygmund Tauberg (1927- ), in Romanian & Eng. tr. by composer
Iubire (I Love) (2'35");
Avemtura (Adventure) (3'35")

Eminescu Song Cycle, op. 242 (7'32")
for Soprano or Baritone & Piano, Oct. 2019, composed in Romania
for Helene & Florin Estafan
on 3 poems by Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889), in Romanian & Eng. tr. by composer
Sonnet #2 [Romanian Sonnetina #1] (3'10");
And If (1:52:);
Sonnet #3 [Romanian Sonnetina #2 (2'30")

Nash Cycle for Norman [Eaton] (Ogden Nash), op. 240 (3'30")
for Voice & Piano, Aug. 2019: 1) The Lion, 2) The Purist, 3) The Termite

The Dark Years (Jane Collins) op. 238 (4'00") for Voice & Piano, May 2019

The Rainbow Shards (Jane Collins) op. 237 (2'00") for Voice & Piano, May 2019

The Big Fish (Mary Stewart Hammond) op. 236 (4'30") for Voice & Piano, April 2019

After Life Irony (Martin Anderson) op. 235 (2'22") for Voice & Piano
or for string orchestra with or without voice, Mar. 2019

What's Your Name? (Zev Steinberg) op. 234 (6'45") for Voice & Piano
for Cantor Ofer Barnoy, Dec. 2019, to the baby who was to be named
at the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburg PA, Shabbat morning, Oct. 27, 2018
prem. Temple Beth Sholom, May 2, 2019

Why Do They Shut Me Out of Heaven? (Emily Dickinson) op. 231 - 12tone melody,
harmonized by Joel Mandelbaum; prem. by Perri Sussman Jan. 15 & 20, 2019
Community Church of NY
Choreographed & danced by Beth Jucovy, prem. Hewlett-Woodmere Lib Aug. 20, 2024

The Last Word (Alex Skovron) op.230 for voice & piano (for Helene)
or voice with baroque instruments (oud, lute/guitar, violin, hurdy-gurdy, bells)
begun in Jan. 2018, commissioned by NYSCA Decentralization Creative Individual Grant,
performed June 3, 2018 by Helene Williams & composer;
official prem. by Alba Consort at Trinity Church, Roslyn, Oct. 14, 2018
Choreographed for Dance Visions NY by Beth Jucovy, prem. Hewlett-Woodmere Lib Aug. 20, 2024

The Hereafter (composer, inspired by Lou & Peter Berryman), op. 229 (3'55") for 2 voices & piano

As the Woodbine Twines (Irving Abram), op. 227 (2'00") for voice & piano;
for Helene and Blance in memory of Irv, Nov. 2016

Untitled (Galina Leybovich), op. 221 (2'00") for voice & piano in Russian & in Eng. tr. by composer;
for Helene on her birthday, Oct. 11, 2015

I Never Wear Black (Stephen Van Eck, 3/1/14), op. 220 (2'00") 6/12/15 for Voice & Pno

A Woman of Valor (Proverbs 31, CCAR tr.), op. 218A sad version (2'30");
op. 218B happier version (2'00") Mar. 2015

A Villanelle for Emily [Lehrman] (Orel Odinov Protopopescu), op. 218 (4'00")
Mar. 2015

A Woman's Meditation (Ruth F. Brin), op. 216, 2'00" for soprano & piano
for Helene, with thanks to David (2'00")
prem. Congregation Nahalat Shalom, Albuquerque, NM, Aug. 9, 2014

The National Security Rag, op. 215, 5'22" for voice(s) & piano;
lyrics by Joel Shatzky & composer, written as new opening number for op. 95B;
previewed at Sunsport Mar. 7, 2014; prem. at Liederkranz Hall Apr. 4, 2014

Too Close to Home: June 19, 1953 (Amber Rose), op. 213, 1'30" for Voice & Piano/Guitar Oct. 2013

Smiths of Peace, op. 212 (Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr.) (11')
in memory of Susan June Blake (1953-2007), for Voice & Piano, for Helene;
prem. June 29, 2013, Court Street Music
public prem. at PeaceSmiths, Amityville, NY, Oct. 4, 2013

The Song Within (Sonnetina #16), op. 211 (2'47"); poem by John Gracen Brown
prem. by Helene Williams & composer, Northport Library Jan. 25, 2013

Abraham Lincoln: Bi-centennial of His Birth, Feb. 12, 2009, op. 208
poem by Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr.; (3') Summer 2012;
Set as solo prelude to choral setting of Second Inaugural, op. 169

Politicians' Polka, op. 207 (words by Richard & Gloria Rinderman) (2'30")
prem. by Helene Williams & composer Aug. 1 & 3, 2012

The Man Who Controls the Drones, op. 206 (Joel Shatzky)(3') for voice & piano
--with optional chorus, June 20, 2012
incorporated into The New Improved Superspy!--see under Musicals

Wild Roses, op. 205 (Jud Newborn)(3') for soprano & piano, May 2012

Let America Be America Again, op. 202 (9') (Langston Hughes) Aug. 2011; for Voice & Piano;
prem. Jan. 15, 2012 Patrice Eaton & Mimi Stern-Wolfe, Downtown Music Productions, St. Marks-in-the Bowery

Republicans, op. 201 (text by composer) (3') inspired by but not based on
"Barry's Boys" (1964) by Jean Reizner
prem. by Helene Williams & composer, Kutsher's, Monticello NY June 18, 2011

update, op. 201A: The One Percent
prem. by Helene Williams & composer Aug. 1 & 3, 2012

Musical Chairs, op. 198 (Carol Miller [1957-2004]) (3'30") Mar. 2011

If, op. 194A (Rudyard Kipling) for solo voice & piano (6') Aug. 2-12, 2009

Prayer of St. Francis, for solo voice & piano or organ, op. 193A
in higher key (D) for Helene, prem. June 13, 2010

Words and Music, op. 191 (William Austin) for voice & piano (3'48")
prem. by Charles Osborne & LJL, 8/16/09 Lords Valley, PA; 8/20/09 Bryant Library, Roslyn

Listen, op. 189 (Walt Whitman) for soprano & piano,
commissioned by Walt Whitman Project (7')
for Helene Williams, 12/08

Long Island Songs of Seasoned Women, op. 186 (25'10")
for Helene, in memory of Susan Blake, Nov.-Dec. 2007
1. The Naked Eye (Patti Tana) (1'48")
2. Eve's Song (Sally Ann Drucker) (1'36")
3. The Wife of God II (Susan Astor) (2'37")
4. Long Island Is Just Not Long Enough (3'00")(Marcia McNair)
5. Double Nickels I&II (Lynn Green) (4'15")
6. My Song (Lorraine Mund) (2'00")
7. What Is Sufficient (Pat Falk) (2'30")
8. Misplaced Memories (Margaret Dinzler Shaw) (3'50")
9. The Plot (Muriel Lilker) (1'00")
10. Post Humus (Patti Tana) (2'45")
#2-10 from the collection, Songs of Seasoned Women,
ed. Patti Tana, Quadrasoul, 2007

Shadow Love, op. 185 (Heinrich Heine: Schattenliebe (tr. Emma Lazarus))
for tenor & piano - for Peter Shea -
prem. by him & pianist Elise Jackendoff, 10/28/07

Conspiritor Reality, op. 184 (Kim Rich & composer) (3'10")
- part of projected opera: Alger
prem. by Helene Williams & composer, Tamiment Library, NYU June 13, 2007

Why I Choose Nude Recreation, op. 183 (Michael J. Cooney) for Cary Bair (1'35") Aug. 2007

Cascadilla Falls, op. 182 (A.R. Ammons) 3'00" (to Helene) for soprano & piano 3-4/07

Sonnetina #15 (setting of Shakespeare's Sonnet #29), op. 181A:
"When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes" for soprano & piano (2'10")
(solo version - for Helene)

What Is God?: An End to War - Ode from Euripides' Helen, op. 180
for soprano-tenor duet & piano
in Greek or in English tr. by composer (with thanks to Elizabeth Horton & Paul Rapoport)
prem. by Helene Williams, Gregory Mercer & composer, "Songs of Love & War" concert,
Jan. 21, 2007 Jericho Library; Feb. 4, 2007 Bryant Library, Roslyn

When Moshiach Comes, op. 178 (Lawrence Bush) May 8, 2006 for Voice & Piano

Midnight Muse (Estela Eaton), op. 176 (3'30") Feb. 4, 2006 PrC for Soprano & Piano

Threescore Years Ago, op. 171 (3'00")
for Voice(s) & Accompaniment; Helene Williams & composer Aug. 28, 2005
at L.I. Supports Cindy Sheehan Benefit Concert,
Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington, NY
Broadcast by Bob Sherman on "Woody's Children," WFUV Jan. 8, 2006, sung by composer

Brando Credo (words by Marlon Brando), op. 168 - for Helene
for Voice & Piano 3'00" July 2004
prem., Naturist Festival, Moravia NY Aug. 6, 2004
arr. w/oboe obbligato, July 2013

Hill in Oyster Bay (Fay Slavin Greenspan), op. 167
- for Helene, and Norman (Greenspan)
for Voice & Piano 2'40" Apr. 2004, prem. Northport Library July 23, 2004

Not in a Silver Casket (Edna St. Vincent Millay), op. 166
- for Helene, inspired by Shirley Romaine
for Voice & Piano 3'00" Mar. 2004, prem. Northport Library July 23, 2004

Where Is the Song of the Artist on Long Island? (text: George Wallace & composer) op. 165A
for Voice & Piano 3'07" Nov. 2003,
prem. by Helene Williams & composer, Northport Library July 23, 2004 v
A Coat (poem by William Butler Yeats), op. 164 for voice & piano 1'30"
prem. Helene Williams & composer, Sunsport, Loxahatchee FL, Jan. 2004
arr. w/oboe obbligato, July 2013

America: A Prophecy (text: William Blake), op. 163 for soprano & piano 6'-9'
prem. Helene Williams & composer, Jan.-Feb. 2007

Yellow Cabs (poem by Rosalie Calabrese), op. 162 for voice & piano 2'00"
prem. Helene Williams & composer, Mar. 14, 2004 Great Neck House

The Girl with Sea in Her Hair (poem by George Wallace), op. 161 for voice & piano 3'
prem. Helene Williams & composer, Mar. 14, 2004 Great Neck House

I Went Looking for My Soul, duet for tenor & soprano, with piano
(text: Charles Bernstein's poem "Castor Oil"), op. 159 2'30"
for Helene [Williams] & Paul Sperry; prem. by them & composer,
Composers Concordance, NYU 5/27/04

Sonnet to Anne, op. 157 (text: Abel Meeropol) (3'00") for soprano and piano;
prem. by Helene Williams & LJL, Queens College, 2/23/03

Eve, op. 156 (Abel Meeropol) (1'00") duet for soprano and tenor;
prem. by Helene Williams & Gregory Mercer, Queens College, 2/23/03

Jewish Haiku, op. 154 (10'00") twelve 3-line settings for baritone, soprano and piano/orchestra
In the Beginning - Manhood - Nature - Rain - Weather - Death
Elijah - Mantra - Fish - Wandering - The Score - After All

Seven Wedding Blessings, op. 153 (3'00") in English,
based on adaptation by Betty Lehrman
for tenor and organ
prem. 7/14/02 Charles Osborne & Allan Sever, Stephen Wise Free Synagogue

A Dream Deferred, op. 152 (Langston Hughes) for voice and piano (1'30")
prem. 4/14/02 Helene Williams & LJL,
Langston Hughes Centennial Celebration, Queens College

An Australian Odyssey, op. 149
song cycle on Australian poems (42'30")
to Alex Skovron, 2001
1. Love Sonnet #9 (Edith Speers) 1'10"
2. I Remember (Jacob Rosenberg) 2'21"
3. No More Boomerang (Oodgeroo Noonuccal) 2'04"
4. The Golem (Alex Skovron) [see op. 142] 2'42"
5. Fugue (Alison Croggon) 2'05"
6. Credo (Alex Skovron) 1'30"
7. Missing Him (Jordie Albiston) 1'27"
8. After Babel (Peter Goldsworthy) 1'30"
9. Our Love Is So Natural (Judith Wright) 2'19"
10. A Strange Bird (Michael Dransfield) 1'00"
11. Antipodean Heads (John Forbes) 1'55"
12. Europe, Endless (John Forbes) 1'05"
13. Crosstalk (John Tranter) 2'13"
14. Erstwhile (Chris Wallace Crabbe) 2'32"
15. fairytale (Ania Walwicz) 7'59"
16. Portrait (Judith Wright) 1'53"
17. Woman's Song (Judith Wright) 2'20"
18. Equatorial (Ian McBryde) 3'18"

Naked Verses, op. 147 cycle of 5 songs (ea. 1-5 min.) 2/01
1. Why (Lois Ann Horowitz)
2. Fascion (Stephen Van Eck)
3. In the Nude (Gene Peacock, Jr.) [arr. w/oboe obbligato, July 2013]
4. What Is A Leer? (Melissa Pinol)
5. Try (Lois Ann Horowitz)

My Thoughts Will Not Rest (Meine Gedanken Wollen Nicht Ruhen), op. 144 for solo voice a cappella c. 3'
German text by "Charles" (Karlheinz Schulze-Michels) in memory of Franz Pindorfer
English text by the composer

The Golem, op. 142 (text: Sonnetina by Alex Skovron) for voice & piano 6/00 (3'00")
incorporated into An Australian Odyssey, op.149

Alphabetical Song, op. 140 (text by composer) 5/99 (1') for voice & piano

Alphabetical Song for Andrew White, op. 140A (text by composer) (55") for baritone solo 4/21

I Am in the Middle Of the World, op. 139 (Grace Herman) (3') for soprano & piano 12/98
prem. by Helene Williams & composer, Mar. 14, 2004, Great Neck House

Faith, op. 138 (James Baldwin) (3') for solo voice or chorus & piano
choral prem. Malverne Community Presbyterian Church, 11/15/98; solo prem. Hofstra 1/17/99

Emily Dickinson Song Cyclette, op. 137 (3 x 2') for voice & piano, May 1998 prem. 2/99 LICA
1) I Felt a Cleaving (#937) 2) I'm Nobody (#288) 3) Wild Nights (#249)

may i feel, op. 136 (e.e. cummings) (3') duet for male & female voices
prem. Eastover, Lenox, Mass. June 24, 1998; Bryant Library Nov. 1, 1998

The Progressive, op. 134 (3') poem by Julia Cooney
in honor of Theodore Roosevelt (P.D.)

Three Norman Rosten Songs (4 min.)(1996), op. 131
1. The First Smile
2. Kiss
3. Swing

Echo (Christina Rossetti)(3 min.)(1996), op. 128 for 2 voices a cappella

The Vision of Chief Seathl (7 min.)(1996), op. 127

A Harvard Hero For Our Time (words by composer) (3 min.) (1996)
[aka Pissed at the Pops] op. 126

The Double Image (poem by George Cornwell, 1975)(3 min.)(1995), op.124

Sonnetina #9: Bill Kunstler on Corliss Lamont (3 min.)(Oct.1995), op. 123

Two Jewish Folk Pieces, op. 121
1. Kererte A Ti (Ladino Folk Text) (2 1/2 min.) soprano & piano 9/95
in Ladino or English translation by the composer
arr. w/oboe obbligato, June 2013
2. Yedid Nefesh arr. for mezzo, clarinet & piano of traditional Hebrew prayer
in Hebrew or English translation by the composer
words & melody by R. Eliezer Azikri (16th century)
arr. commissioned by Marion Capriotti (6 min.) Fall 1994
re-arr. by composer for soprano, violin & piano, 2010
Four Completions of Songs Begun by Marc Blitzstein, op. 120
1. Expatriate (2 1/2 min.) 3/95 completion of musical sketch
begun by Marc Blitzstein to his lyrics from
No For An Answer Act II Scene 5

2. War Song (Dorothy Parker) (2 min.) 7/95
completion of musical sketch begun by Marc Blitzstein, 1945

3. Smoking Glasses (text by Marc Blitzstein) (3 min.) 7/95
completion of musical sketch begun by Marc Blitzstein, 1938

4. Lovely To Get Back To Love (2 min.) 4/02
completion of musical sketch begun by Marc Blitzstein, 1945

Canonic Duet for Adam and Eve (2 min.), op. 118
originally for puppet show version of Chester Cycle play (2 min.)
revised for use as Serpent-Eve duet in new (original) one-act play
Adam and Lilith and Eve (1993) based on
Manya Pruzhanskya Lackow's "The Eternal Struggle" & other Biblical legends

The Longest Stairs (81") (March 1995), op. 117
poem from Rosten's Songs for Patricia prem. 4/4/95 BargeMusic, Brooklyn

The Rabbi & the Rich Man (a.k.a.The Parable of the Mirror)(2 min.)(1995)
op.116, based on Hassidic legend,
used by Ansky in The Dybbuk and Malamud in Suppose A Wedding
incorporated into opera, op.125

The Journey of Life (text: William Cullen Bryant)(4 min.)(1994), op.115

Love Song Cycle on Seven Poems by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1939)
for Soprano & Piano (10 min.)(July 1993), op. 112
commissioned by Corliss Lamont
1. If I can step within
2. To My Jewish Friend in Pittsburgh
3. The beauty of love
4. I lock my heart against you
5. Won't you unlock
6. To Carlo [Tresca], South Beach (After 14 Years)
7. On "Equality"

The Definition of Love (text: Andrew Marvell) (May 1993) (2 min.), op. 111

Be Gentle (3 min.) (March 1993), op. 110
for Voice (or SATB) & Piano/Organ
(text: Rev. Richard S. Gilbert)

An Edith Segal Love Song Cycle (1992) (6 1/2 min.), op. 107
(on 7 poems from For Dreamers Who Dare (1975))
1. Remembrance
2. Severance
3. The Two
4. Loneliness
5. Scars
6. Your Hand
7. Waiting

Kalinin Bridge (4 min.) (1992) op. 106
(Text: Joel Shatzky, in memory of Ilya Krichevsky) (4')
commissioned by Prof. Edgar H. Lehrman Memorial Foundation;
text publ. by Shalom (magazine of The Jewish Peace Fellowship)

I'd Like To Go Away Alone (1 1/2 min.) (Feb. 1991), op. 105
(Text: Alena Synkova, translation by Jeanne Nemcova)
for Voice & Piano/Organ; prem. 6/23/91 Merkin Hall - Helene Williams

Crimes (Text: Edith Segal, 1989) 10/90 (2 1/2 min.), op. 104
prem. 6/3/91 at Merkin Hall by Helene Williams

Ma Adam (What Is Man?), op. 103 in Hebrew or in English, for tenor
(text from Psalms, translation by composer) for Cantor Charles Osborne 9/89

Sisters, 3 monologues based on first-person stories of Biblical women
for Female Voice and Piano or 9 instruments (1989), op. 100
1. Lot's Wife (6 3/4 min.)
2. Miriam (6 min.)
3. Zelophehad's Daughters (4-5 min.)
last movement also arr. for 2 Sopranos, Mezzo, and 2 Altos
for Helene Williams and Womansong

We Are Innocent, cantata on letters of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg (1988)
(12 movements, 48 min.) op.94
for soprano, baritenor, opt. chorus, pno/orch.

Conscience (Lewis Allan) (1987) (3 min.) op.93
for soprano (or Chorus) with optional Piano/Organ/Orch

A Letter to Louise (Bryant) (2 min.) (1987) op.92
(John Reed's Last Poem) Soprano & Piano

Instead of Mellowness (I MISS YOU) (1987) op.91
(text: Helene Williams)
Soprano Solo (or SATB) & Piano (2 min.)

Every Boy Should Have a Jewish Mother
(Joshua Vogel & composer) (3 min.) 12/86 op.90

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (1986) op.89
(text: Christopher Marlowe) (4 min.)
arr. as Duet for Soprano & Tenor with Piano, op.89A

The SDI Waltz (text: composer) (4 min.) (1986) op.87 [+op.95#5]

Winter Morning (3 min.) (1986) op.86#2
(Russian text: Alexander Pushkin
or in English by composer)

Heart, Dear Heart (2 min.) (1986) op.86#1
(German text: Heinrich Heine
or in English by composer)

Three Minute Songs (@ 1 min.) (1986) op.85
Titian (Anon.) - The Freud of Sex
(text: composer) - Love (Anon.)

The Anchor of My Heart (1-2 min.) (1985) op.81

Me & Russia (3 min.) (1985) op.80
(Russian text: Velemir Khlebnikov
or in English by composer)

Cantata: Jewish Voices in Germany
[Juedische Stimmen in Deutschland](1986) op.79
(in English or German, 14 mvts) (30 min.)
Baritenor & Soprano (or Mixed Chorus)
with Piano or Orchestra

My Marriage (4 min.)
(text: Karen Ruoff Kramer & composer)
Russia - America - ? (2 min.)
Where Do I Belong? (3 min.)
If I Can't Dance (4 min.)
Emma (3 min.)
(texts: composer) (1985-86) (all from:
E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma Goldman) op.78

Love Song (Liebeslied) (2 min.) (1985) op.77
(German text: Mascha Kaleko
or in English by composer)

Erotic Song (3 min.) (1984) op.76
(text: Anon.) with Piano or Organ

Four-Power City (text: composer)(2 min.) (1984) op.74#1

A Light in the Darkness [Licht im Dunkel], song cycle for
Tenor or Soprano or both in alternation
with Piano or Orchestra (22 min.) (1984) op.73
(German text: Andy Orieli
or in English by composer)
1. White-Sailed Boat Upon the Ocean (2'15")
2. Ne plus ultra (3'45")
3. Take Note (Speech into the Mirror) (2'15")
4. Bitter Complaint (2'45")
5. Legacy and Perpetual Reminder
6. A Brown Wolf (Arturo Ui) (6'45")

A Wanderer Through DEUTSCHLAND
Based on Heine's Wintermaerchen

[Ein Wanderer durch DEUTSCHLAND
nach Heines Wintermaerchen
(1984) op.72
song cycle for Tenor (or Baritenor)
or Tenor & Soprano in alternation
with Piano or Orchestra (30-34 min.)
1. At the Border
2. Cologne
3. Eastward
4. The Wolves
5. The Sun
6. The Mighty Fort
7. At the Inn
8. At Mother's
9. We Jews
10. The Goddess
(11. The Promise)
11 or 12. What She Revealed

The Night is Darkening Round Me (1983)
(text: Emily Bronte) (2 min.) op.70
Solo Alto or Baritone (or TTBB)
with Piano and/or Suspended Cymbal

A March for Ben & Mary Beth (1984) op.69
(text: Mary Beth Armes, first publ. in
College Music Society Symposium)
Voice & Guitar (1 min.)

Ode to the City of Cologne (1982) op.67
(text: Samuel Coleridge) (2-3 min.)

Sonnetina #7: (4 min.) (1982) op.66
Remember Me When I Am Gone Away
(text: Christina Rossetti)
Soprano (or Mezzo or Tenor or Baritone)
Solo or Soprano-Tenor Duet with Piano
or with Flute and Guitar (&Cello obbligato)

Sonnetina #6 (5 min.) (1982) op.65
Next to of course god (text: e.e. cummings)
for Male Voice and Guitar or Piano

A Secular Kaddish (3 min.) (1982) op.63
(English adapted from Union Prayer Book)
for Voice a cappella or with A Clarinet/Viola/Cello/Marimba

In der Fremd (2 min.) (1981) op.62
(Yiddish text: Leyb Naydus
or in English by composer)
for Voice with Harp or Piano
arr. as Duet for Soprano & Tenor with Harp/Piano, op.62A

Sehnsucht (3 min.) (1981)
(German text: Guenter Loscher)
(from Let's Change the Woild, op.61)

Gesanglos war ich (1-2 min.) (1981) op.60
(German text: Heinrich Heine)
Soprano-Bass Duet
or for Soprano and Clarinet [op.60A]
or for Voice and Marimba [op.60B]

The Subway Beggar (2 min.) (1981) op.59#2
(text: Eve Merriam's Upper West Side Story)
(from I Love New York)

Dawn in New York (2-4 min.) (1981) op.59#1
(text: English tr. of Federico Garcia Lorca)
Solo Soprano/Mezzo (+opt.) Chorus
(from I Love New York)

Deutschland (6 min.) (1980) op.57
(German text: Bertolt Brecht (1920))
Baritone or Bass and Piano

Spiele (2 min.) (1980) op.56
(German text: Peter Maiwald)
Soprano or Tenor with
Piano or Clarinet or Marimba or Guitar

The Cautious Struggle (2 min.) (1980) op.55
(text: Anon. (1789)) Soprano and Piano

So Low (2 min.) (1979) op.54#2
(text: Barbara Tumarkin Dunham)
(from Growing Up Woman, op.54)

Adoration: May the Time Not Be Distant
for Solo Soprano (+opt. SATB) (1979) op.53#2 [+op.129]
with Piano or Organ (4 min.)

May the Words (2 min.) (1979) op.52A
Soprano Solo (+opt. TTBB) and Piano/Organ
(from Hannah Act I)
There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind (2 min.)(1977) op.50
(text: Anon.) for Solo Tenor/Soprano
a cappella + SATB or

Two Leigh Hunt Songs, op.49:
1. Jenny Kissed Me (1 min.) (1977)
Baritone or Bass or Mezzo-Soprano
with String Trio or Piano or
Guitar, Cello and Flute obbligato
2. Abou Ben Adhem (3 min.) (1979)

Answer to a Child's Question (2 min.) (1978) op.48
(text: Samuel Coleridge) Coloratura Soprano
with Woodwind Quintet or Piano

A Red, Red Rose (Robert Burns) for Voice a cappella (2') 5/78 op.47

Sonnetina #5 (3-4 min.) (1978) op.45
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?
(Shakespeare's Sonnet #18)
Tenor or Soprano with

Little Alice from Amherst, Ohio (1978) op.44
(text: Polly Joan) (4 min.)
for Female Voice and Piano

Benediction for Alto a cappella (1977) op.43
(Russian text: Alexander Blok
or in English by composer) (1-2 min.)

Songs of Birds, song cycle (@ 4 min.) (1977) op.42
(Russian texts or in English by composer)
1. Greeting (Afanasy Fet)
with English Horn or A Clarinet or Marimba
2. Quartet (Ivan Krylov) with Piano,
or Clarinet and Piano
or Oboe, Horn, Viola and Harpsichord
+ optional Flute
3. Nightingale in a Dream (Gavril Derzhavin)
a cappella

A Songlet on an English Love Note (1977) op.41
(text from Percy Bysshe Shelley's To Night)
Soprano & Piano/Vibraphone (1-2 min.)

Two Songs of a Madman (5 min.) (1973) op.36
(texts from Hebrew Melodies by
George Gordon, Lord Byron)
1. My Soul is Dark for Female Voice with
2. They Say That Hope Is Happiness
for Female Voice with Piano/Winds

Simple Songs, op.35
1. Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover? (1973)
(text: John Suckling) (2 min.)
with Harpsichord/Piano
2. Advice to Virgins (Gather Ye Rosebuds) (1978)
(text: Robert Herrick) (3 min.)
with Harp or Harpsichord or Piano
or Mandolin and Continuo

Two Shelley Songs op.32
1. Sonnetina #4 (4 min.) (1971)
(text: Percy Bysshe Shelley's sonnet "On Political Greatness")
Soprano, Mezzo or Tenor with Piano
also arranged for Bass under title
Man Who Man Would Be, op.84
2. Love's Philosophy (2-3 min.) (1979)
(text: Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Soprano or Tenor or
Soprano-Tenor Duet with Piano

The Circus Sideshow, (3 min.) Fall 1970 pop song op.29
for use in original adaptation of
Elie Siegmeister's & Edward Mabley's The Mermaid in Lock #7;
prem. 7/13/89 Belezy, France

The Bourgeois Poet song cycle for
Tenor or Soprano with Piano
or with Strings & Piano (30 min.) (1970) op.28
(texts: poems by Karl Shapiro)
1. Introductory
2. The Bourgeois Poet
3. Deep-Thinking Machine
4. When Suffering is Everywhere
5. How Do I Love You? (4 min.)
(Sonnetina#3) also arr. for Bass & Piano op.82
under title: Faulty Communication
(see also under CHORAL )
6. The First Time (10 min.)
7. The World is My Dream (3 min.)
8. A'men

My University (5 min.) (1970) op.25
(Russian text: Vladimir Mayakovsky
or in English by composer) Bass & Piano

Sonnetina #2 (5 min.) (1967-68) op.14
(text: Percy Bysshe Shelley's sonnet
Lift Not the Painted Veil)
Bass, Piano & Page-Turner (inside piano)

Sonnetina #1 (4 min.) (1966-69) op.12
(text: Marilyn Siegel (Smith))
for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano
or for Soprano or Tenor with
Flute, Guitar and Cello obbligato [op.12A];
also arranged for Bass and Piano (1986) op.83
under title: If I Could

Song (7 min.) (1966-67) op.11
(text from Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet )
High Soprano, Violin and Piano

Song Cycle(tte):
Three Girls' Love Songs (10 min.) (1964-65) op.6
1. Love's Secret (William Blake)
Alto/Mezzo/Baritone & Piano (2'30")
2. When I am Dead, My Dearest
(Christina Rossetti)
Soprano/Mezzo with Piano
or with 2 Guitars (3 min.)
3. Sweet and Low (Alfred, Lord Tennyson)
SSAA Quartet or Chorus (4 min.)


Tales of Malamud, two one-acts based on
stories by Bernard Malamud (1914-1986):

Idiots First (55 min.), op.37, a Jewish Everyman
story of the aging Mendel, his retarded
son Itzak, and Ginzberg the Angel of Death
--1973 completion of last work begun (1963)
by Marc Blitzstein (1905-1964)
3bar, bass, 2-3 ten, sop, actors; Orch.: 21+
"his best work"--Ned Rorem & N.Y.Times
Winner, 1978 Off-Broadway Opera Award
"most important event of season"
excpts: 1. How I Met My New Grandfather
2. Who Will Close the Door
3. Under the Sky
#1 performed by Joe Ferrer, Leonard Bernstein
& the NY Philharmonic 4/19/64;
#1 & 2 recorded on Premier CD "A Blitzstein Cabaret"
#3 recorded on Original Cast Recording CD "A Marc Blitzstein Songbook"
#1 & 3 published by Boosey & Hawkes' Marc Blitzstein Songbook, v. 1 & 2

Karla (40 min.), 1974, op.38, comedy of suburban
seduction based on Malamud's
Notes from a Lady at a Dinner Party
(from Rembrandt's Hat collection)
libretto by composer; SMATBarB; Orch.: 21+

Both produced at Cornell '74, Indiana '76,
Bel Canto Opera (N.Y.City) '78 with 2 pnos;
orchestral premiere March '92 Center for Contemporary Opera, NYU
Publisher: Theodore Presser

Sima (90 min.), 1976, op.40, 2-act 1905 Russian story
of adoption of Jewish girl orphaned by
pogroms; libretto by composer based on
The Krasovitsky Couple by David Aizman
(1869-1922), tr. Edgar H. Lehrman
2 Sopranos, Mezzo, Baritone, Girl,
opt. Children's Chorus; Orch.: 8
Produced by Ithaca Opera Assn '76,
Jewish Music Theatre of Berlin '84
Videotaped & telecast, shown in 5 states
and 5 countries in Europe incl. the USSR
Publisher: Carl Fischer tr. into German & (partially) into French

(150 min.), 1980, op.52, 3-act Chanukah
legend of Judah Maccabee's sister whose
protest against violence and the treatment
of women as property ignited the first
rebellion against religious oppression in
168 B.C.E.; 2-3S,2-3M,2T,Bar,Bass-Bar,Chor
libretto by composer and Orel Odinov
Performed 1980 concertante by soloists &
7th U.S.Army Soldiers' Chorus, Heidelberg

The Family Man (44 min.), 1984, op.71 monodrama
on Cossack family's destruction in 1920's
Russia, based on composer's tr. of 1925 story
by Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Sholokhov (1905-84)
sung by George Shirley, Berlin 1/85
Ronald Edwards, Dresden State Opera 7/96, NYU 9/27/99
staged by Golden Fleece, N.Y. City 6/85
"a masterpiece"--Backstage, July 10,'85
for dramatic tenor w/ piano/orchestra of 10-12

The Birthday of The Bank (50 min.), 1988, op.97, 1-act
on composer's tr. of Chekhov's 1891 farce "Jubilee,"
commissioned by OPERAmerica for Lake George Opera Festival,
workshopped there by Rosalind Elias, Aug. 3, 1988
semi-staged premiere by LICA, ACF 6/98 Adelphi, NYU
staged premiere at Jewish Arts Festival of Long Island 9/6/99, Queens College 9/30/99
for soprano, mezzo, tenor, baritone, bass, w/pno/orch

New World: An Opera About What Columbus Did to the "Indians"
(100 min.), 1991, op. 102, 55 numbers
in one or two acts; commissioned by the Puffin Foundation in honor of
the 50th anniversary of American Music Center & Columbian Quincentennial
libretto by composer & Joel Shatzky
SSTTBarBarB, 2 Rappers, Piano, Percussion, 3 Synthesizers,
opt. Chorus, Ballet, Trumpet, Trombone
Separable numbers: #1 Kaytawari's Monologue #2 Crew #3 Columbus
#6 Nudity Chorus #9 Prayer #11 Rodrigo #16 Isabella #17 Quartet (Act I)
#26 Guarionéx #27 Yuisa #29 Kaytawari's Vision #30 George
#32 Columbus-Isabella Duet #34 Quartet (Act II) #37 De Torres
#44 Rap Number #46 Tainos' Mourning Chorus + Choral Suite (5 min.)
#16 Golden Fleece Ltd. program @Theater 22, NYC 3/31/90
#1, 3 Union Theological Seminary 7/22/90, & WBAI 10/12/90
#2, 6 chorus preview: Belezy, France 7/90
#16 Belezy, France 7/92 and at
Haus der Kirche, Berlin 9/1/92
& Dresden Center for Contemporary Music 9/5/92
#3, 16, 37, 32 LICA concert, Heckscher Park, Huntington 8/6/91
All of the above previewed on WQXR "The Listening Room" 10/12/91 10pm
Suite of excerpts broadcast on WBAI 10/14/91
#11 sung by Ivan Thomas, broadcast on WBAI Arts Magazine 2/8/93
full concert prem. by After Dinner Opera Co. (& Meet The Composer)
@ Lincoln Center Library 10/12/91
staged premiere @Heckscher Park, Huntington 8/11/92
N.Y. City staged premiere @Donnell Library 2/9/93

Suppose A Wedding
(53 min.), 1996, op. 125 1-act opera after eponymous
Scene from a Play by Bernard Malamud, 4/96
concert prem. 9/2/96 Int'l Jewish Arts Festival of L.I., Commack
staged prem. 6/1/97 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Inst of Religion, NYC
soprano,mezzo,character tenor,high baritone,male one-liner, pno/orch
publ.: Theodore Presser - incorporated into Tales of Malamud (see above)
intermezzo between opp. 37 & 38 or independent work
a. "The Rabbi & the Rich Man" or "The Parable of the Mirror,"
(op. 116) based on a fable in the public domain (2'15")
b. Leon's Arietta (2'30")

Sacco and Vanzetti (2 hr. 45 min.), op. 148
3-act opera begun but left unfinished by Marc Blitzstein (1959-1963)
commissioned by Ford Foundation, optioned by Metropolitan Opera
completed 1978-Feb. 2001; publisher: Theodore Presser;

excerpts publ. by Boosey & Hawkes in The Marc Blitzstein Songbook, v. 1, 1999 (#1); v. 2, 2001 (#2, 3, 4, 5); v. 3, 2003 (#8)
first complete perfs in concert with piano @The White Barn, Westport, CT Aug. 17-19, 2001
excpts: 1. Sacco's Act II Aria, "With A Woman To Be," performed by Luigi Alva, Leonard Bernstein
& the NY Philharmonic 4/19/64; also 4/28/85 by Charles Walker & Michael Barrett;
released by Premier Recordings on PRCD #1005 with Ronald Edwards accompanied by LJL
2. Sacco-Rosa Act II Duet, premiered by Ronald Edwards, Helene Williams & LJL
at Jean Cocteau Repertory Theater, Bowery, Manhattan, 9/16/00
3. Vanzetti's Last Statement, completed by LJL, prem. 3/2/95 at Medicine Show, Manhattan;
4. Vanzetti's First Aria, completed by LJL, 8/99; premiered 8/2/00 by Ron Edwards & LJL
in concert at Cherubini Conservatory, Florence, Italy
5. Sacco's "The Whole Shoe" Aria, compl. by LJL 7/00, prem. 8/2/00 by Ron Edwards & LJL
in concert at Cherubini Conservatory, Florence, Italy; also performed by Paul Rogers & LJL,
Composer/Performer Roundtable, Music Library Assn convention, Grand Hyatt, NYC 2/22/01
6. Sacco-Mrs. Evans Duet (music based on "Be With Me" and "Such A Little While"
from Blitzstein's Reuben Reuben), completed by LJL 8/00
premiered by Ronald Edwards, Helene Williams and Leonard Lehrman 9/16/00
7. Sacco-Rosa-Vanzetti Trio (music based on "The Hills of Amalfi"
from Blitzstein's Reuben Reuben), completed by LJL 8/00
premiered by Ronald Edwards, Helene Williams and Leonard Lehrman 9/16/00
[duet version premiered Torremaggiore, Italy Aug. 7, 2000 & Bryant Library Dec. 2, 2001]
8. Mary Donovan's Aria, completed by LJL 1/01, premiered by Helene Williams & LJL,
Composer/Performer Roundtable, Music Library Assn convention, Grand Hyatt, NYC 2/22/01
9. Act I Quartet Finale (music derived in part from "Have Yourself A Night"
from Blitzstein's Reuben Reuben), completed by LJL 8/99
10. Act II Sc. 1 Memorial Day Parade (chorus)
(music from "Into the Streets May First," 1934 setting of poem by Alfred Hayes)
#2-5 released on Original Cast Records CD 4441 Gregory Mercer, Helene Williams, James Sergi, LJL
#2 & 3 broadcast on Long Island Cablevision TV 44 (Ch. 70) 8/14/01 7:30pm, 8/15/01 9:30pm
#1-9 performed by them at Hewlett-Woodmere Library 3/3/02, Great Neck Library 6/9/02,
Puffin Cultural Forum (Teaneck NJ) 6/23/02; Sky Room, Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington 10/10/02
#1, 7 & 10 released on Original Cast Records CD Cameron Smith, Helene Williams, Lars Woodul, Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus

The Wooing (20 min.), op. 158, 2002, one-act opera for SATB
libretto by Lewis Allan (Abel Meeropol) after Chekhov's Medved'
prem. by Helene Williams, Tara Venditti, Gregory Mercer, Lars Woodul,
conducted by LJL, Queens College, 2/23/03

The Triangle Fire (60 min.), op. 222, 2016, one-act opera for 12 singers:
2S, 2M, 2A, 2T, 2Bar, 2B and piano; libretto by Ellen Frankel;
prem. cond. by composer, Sep. 4, 2016 American Labor Museum, Haledon, NJ;
and Sep. 11, 2016 Puffin Cultural Forum, Teaneck, NJ

A Letter from Rosa Luxemburg, op. 232 (36'40") PrC monodrama opera for soprano
with piano and optional flute, chorus & soloists
libretto by composer (assisted by Baerbel Rautenberg & Kim Rich)
based on words by & about Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
commissioned by The Puffin Foundation
in English and in German
Premiered Jan. 13, 2019, Puffin Cultural Forum, Teaneck, NJ
Other performances in English by Helene Williams: 1/15 & 20 Community Church of NY;
1/26 Long Beach Library
Performances in German by Kathryn Wieckhorst: 2/9 Hamburg; 10/10 LŸneburg Festival

Musicals (7)

The Comic Tragedy of San Po Jo, 1962-63 op.1 (45 min.)
satire on govt corruption & atomic testing
bk & lyrics with Mark Kingdon
Performed Roslyn, NY, May 1963

Growing Up Woman, 1979-84, choreo-tone poem
or song-cycle musical, op.54;
bk & lyrics by Barbara Tumarkin Dunham
SSMMBar; Orch.: 5 (45 min.)
Performed Glassboro State College '80-81
Jewish Music Thtr of Berlin April 1984

Let's Change the Woild! [Kommt, wir aendern die Welt!] , 1980-81, op.61
German bk & lyrics: Guenter Loscher; Eng. tr.: composer (2 acts, c. 2 1/2 hrs.)
Excerpts performed by Musical Assn of
Bremerhaven, Germany, August 1982

E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma Goldman (1987) op.78
for female singer and singing pianist (2 acts, 90 min.);
alt. version titled Emma Goldman in Exile
or Scenes from the Life of Emma Goldman
for 3 female & 3 male singing actors, 1985-87 (2 acts, 2 hrs.);
book & lyrics with Karen Ruoff Kramer
(except 7 numbers by composer alone)
previewed at Stanford University in Berlin 5/86
completion commissioned by Bel Canto Opera Workshop et al, 1986-87
1987 perfs: Herbert Liebman Memorial Concerts, Vladeck Auditorium (Bnx);
WBAI,WEVD; Workmen's Circle Branch (Manhattan);
Alchemical Theater (Manhattan); Cornell University;
SUNY-Cortland; Fine Arts Museum of Long Island (Hempstead);
Jewish Currents Concert
1989 perfs: Temple Emanuel (sponsored by University of Lowell),
Community Church of Boston, Boston University, Harvard College,
Brandeis University Festival
1990 perfs: Columbia University; Queens College; Wellesley College;
Bryant Library, Roslyn; WQXR's "The Listening Room";
Midtown YM-YWHA (Manhattan);
International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam;
E.&W.Berlin; Paris Cabaret; Dartmouth College
1991 perfs: Ethical Culture Society of N.Y. City;
Peninsula Library, Lawrence, L.I.;
Northwestern University (National Opera Assn convention);
WFMT (Chicago, Studs Terkel program)
American University (Jewish Studies Program);
San Francisco Modern Language Assn Convention,
KPFA (Dennis Bernstein) - Noe Valley Ministry, U.C./Berkeley
1992 perfs: Alexander Berkman Conference, Pittsburgh;
UMass/Amherst Marxism and the New World Order Conference
1994 perf: CWPost College
(School of Education, Library School Student Assn, McGrath Fund)

Superspy ! The Secret Musical (2 acts, c. 2 hrs.) op.95
bk: Joel Shatzky, lyrics: composer & Shatzky;
for Sopr., Mezzo, Ten., 2 Baritones w/Piano
first complete public reading: First St. Playhouse, Ithaca, NY 3/20/88
revised as one-act cabaret for two people (48') 14 numbers, op.95A
prem. by Helene Williams & composer for
US Peace Committee-Paris 7/7/89, NY 11/18/89
also perf. 2/22/90 Nassau Community College Little Thtr;
Chelsea Mansion, E. Norwich (Nassau Cty Ofc of Cultural Dev) 10/20/90;
and Turtle Bay Music School
sponsored by the Center for Contemporary Opera, 11/17-18/90
command perf for Tom Lehrer, Santa Cruz 12/91
#5 performed at Harvard, 4/89 & videotaped on Strike Reunion tape
#9 performed at Hadassah, 6/88, at Jewish Arts Festival of L.I., 9/3/89
and many other times as part of program "The Jewish Woman in Song"
also at First International Naturist Opera Workshop, Bélézy, France 7/89
#10 expanded version, premiered 12/27/90 Gay Men's Health Crisis, NYC -
on Center for Contemporary Opera Blitzstein program
sponsored by "Meet the Composer"
also perf. LICA Songs of Love concert 2/5/95, North Merrick Library
#17 revised, 3/6/91, prem. @Tarrytown Music Hall 3/15/91;
and perf. on Composers Concordance concerts,
CAMI Hall & C.W.Post College, 2/92

Adam & Lilith & Eve - see under Adaptations

The Booby Trap or Off Our Chests

bk: Sydney Ross Singer, lyrics: Singer & composer
for 2 men, 2 women, piano
based on "A Little Breast Play" by Singer & Soma Grismaijer
Dec.'00-Jan.'01 (still in progress)
Barbie Blues - Baby Breasts - The Boobs Blues - Silicone Sal - Breast Play -
Quartet - The Test - Working It Out - Stuffed Bras (Off Our Chests) ea. 3-5'
prem. (of all but Quartet) Golden Fleece Ltd., Theater 22, May 13, 2001
broadcast on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Ch. 34 2/22/02 2:10-2:30pm, 2/26/02 7:40-8pm
prem. (incl. Quartet) Eastern Naturist Gathering, Eastover, Lenox, Mass. Aug. 23, 2001

additional performances including prem. of additional numbers:
Eastern Naturist Festival, Moravia NY Aug. 1, 2005 (incl.: Doctors; The Trouble with Breasts)
Prevention Is the Cure Week, PeaceSmiths Forum, Amityville NY May 19, 2006
(incl. Fiji; A Break; The Breast Cancer Industry Wants You to Think Pink)

Beowulf or The Great Dane, parodic musical fantasy for 2+;
Harvard 1970, Cornell 1977 op.23


I Love New York, with Theater 79, incl.
original songs & sketches about NYCity,
texts by Federico Garcia Lorca,
Eve Merriam et al; Basel, Spring 1981 op.59

The Jewish Woman in Song
A Blitzstein Cabaret
Ev'ry Boy Should Have A Jewish Mother: A Leonard Bernstein Cabaret
An Israel Cabaret
American Jewish Cabaret
Naturist Cabaret
all including original material
Incidental Music (8)
on commission for works by
Sartre [op.24], Weiss [op.26], Toller [op.30],
Brecht [op.30A&B], Hasek-Kepel [op.34]
(Harvard, Wellesley, Cornell '70-72),
Goethe [op.64], O'Casey [op.68] (Bremerhaven'82)

Translations (64)
The Days of the Commune (Brecht-Eisler) [see op.30A]
(incl. 5 songs + 9 more added for adaptation)
performed & published: Harvard, WGBH
and Yale Drama Festival, March 1971
Univ of Victoria (British Columbia) 1975,
Massachusetts Review 1971, Univ of Mass
Press 1973 in book: Revolution & Reaction

Marriage (Gogol-Moussorgsky)
performed as melodrama
Cornell University, April 1973

The Roundheads and the Pointedheads (incl. 14 songs)
(Brecht-Eisler) performed & published
at Cornell University November 1973 [see op.30B]

Russalka (Pushkin-Dargomyzhsky)
commissioned by Bel Canto Opera, 1979
unproduced except for excerpts
at Domaine Naturiste de Belezy, France, Summer, 1989, 1990 & 1992

A Life for the Czar (Glinka)
commissioned by Bel Canto Opera
for N.Y. premiere April-May 1979

L'Etoile (Chabrier)
commissioned by Bel Canto Opera
for N.Y. stage premiere Feb. 1988

The Birthday of the Bank (after Chekhov's Yubilei)
opera commissioned by Lake George Opera
workshopped there Aug. 3, 1988

An Incomplete Education (Une Education ManquŽe) (Chabrier)
commissioned by Bronx Opera
N.Y. English language premiere Jan. 2006

"What Is God?: An End to War" - Ode from Euripides' Helen
in Greek or in English tr. by composer (with thanks to Elizabeth Horton & Paul Rapoport)
prem. by Helene Williams, Gregory Mercer & composer, "Songs of Love & War" concert,
Jan. 21, 2007 Jericho Library; Feb. 4, 2007 Bryant Library, Roslyn

"Untitled" by Galina Leybovich, in Russian or in English tr. by composer, Oct. 11, 2015

+songs of Jacques Brel ("Les Bourgeois"),
Georges Brassens ("Je suis un Voyou"),
Gerhard Bronner/Peter Wehle cabaret songs
("Aber nur fast," "Alles in Stereo," "Alles ist relativ,"
"Alte MacDonalds," "A Bissel Freiheit,"
"Ich steh' immer draussen," "Der juedische Cowboy,"
"Schwer ist's ein Ami zu sein," "Der Wegwerfmensch")
Kurt Weill ("Potsdam unter den Eichen"
and "J'attends un navire") for Gisela May,
Hanns Eisler ("Mutter Beimlein") for Roswitha Trexler,
Johannes Brahms (20 songs),
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (5 songs, 2 choruses, 2 arias, 1 duet)
Serge Prokofiev (5: Akhmatova cycle)
and Dmitri Shostakovich (Satires);
poems of Blok [op.43], Brecht [op.30&57],
"Charles" (Karlheinz Schulze-Michels) [op.144 ], Derzhavin [op.42#3],
Fet [op.42#1], Heine [opp.60,72,86#1], Kaleko [op.77],
Khlebnikov [op.80], Krylov [op.42#2], Ladino Folksong [op. 121 #1],
Mayakovsky [op.25], Naydus [op.62[, Orieli [op.73], Pushkin [op.86#2],
Voznesensky (5), and Yevtushenko's "Do the Russians Want War?"
(the latter published in Hilltop Beacon, 1966)

Adaptations (18)

My Fair Lady (1956) by Lerner & Loewe after G.B. Shaw's Pygmalion
(1961, Roslyn Heights School - first authorized school production)

Peace on Earth (1934) by Albert Maltz & George Sklar
(1968, unproduced)

The Cradle Will Rock (1936) by Marc Blitzstein
(1969, Loeb Experimental Theater at Harvard, Tufts)

I've Got the Tune (1937) by Marc Blitzstein
(1970, Lowell House at Harvard; 1989 WHRB-FM)

Days of the Commune (1947) by Bertolt Brecht & Hanns Eisler
(1971, Harvard, Yale, WGBH-FM radio)

Candide (1956) by Leonard Bernstein, Lilian Hellman, et al
(1972, Risley College at Cornell)

Bedtime Story by Sean O'Casey
(1973, Risley College at Cornell) (starring Chrisopher Reeve)

The Roundheads and the Pointedheads (1931-4)
by Bertolt Brecht & Hanns Eisler (1973, Cornell)

Suppose A Wedding by Bernard Malamud
(1973, Cornell as play; 1997 Hebrew Union College as opera)

"A Clementine Kaddish" - the missing verse to Tom Lehrer's "Clementine" (1958)
(1983, Berlin, and numerous times thereafter, including
Amer Conference of Cantors Convention, Huntington NY 7/2/97, etc.)

The Mermaid in Lock #7 (1960) by Elie Siegmeister & Edward Mabley
(1989, Domaine Naturiste de Belezy, France)

Barely Proper (1931) by Tom Cushing
(1991, Pocono Picnic Company & WBAI-FM)

Stark (1992) by John Bramhall
(1994, Empire Haven, Moravia NY;
6/24/95, Bucksteep Manor, Washington MA)

"Goot Yuntif" (1992)
original rejoinder to Tom Lehrer's "Hanuka in Santa Monica" (1990)
performed at International Jewish Arts Festival of L.I. 5/30/94
North Shore Synagogue, Syosset NY 12/95
Amer Conference of Cantors Convention, Huntington NY 7/2/97, etc.

The International Naturist Anthem (1993)
original words to "Simple Gifts" (P.D.)
performed at numerous Naturist Gatherings in U.S. & France
published by Going Natural, v.9 no. 4, Winter 1994, p. 15
and by Nude & Natural, v. 16 no. 4, June 1997, p.10

Adam & Lilith & Eve (1995) (6/24/95, Bucksteep Manor, Washington MA)
after Manya Pruzhanskaya Lackow & Jacques Drouet
including Lehrman music from Chester Cycle Adam and Eve, op. 118;
revived in readings, 2015, with additional music by Leo Kraft

"It's A Living" (1976) by Morton Gould on text by Carolyn Leigh
(1996, arrangement for piano solo, prem. & recorded at Queens College)

The Creation or God & the Computer (1997)
premiered 7/5/97 Camp Ramblewood, Darlington MD

"Cruel War Is Raging" American Civil War song, adapted & prem.
by Helene Williams, Gregory Mercer & composer, "Songs of Love & War" concert,
Jan. 21, 2007 Jericho Library; Feb. 4, 2007 Bryant Library, Roslyn