by Mark Greenfest, Spring 2002 Vol. 10#1, p.20

An Australian Odyssey, music by Leonard Lehrman, performed by soprano HeleneWilliams with composer at piano, Dec. 2nd, at Bryant Library in Roslyn, NY. the Australian poetry sizzles on the barbie: attractive mixed assortment of love, humor, loss, and other slices of life. Helene Williams als sang opera (including an aria from Blitzstein/Lehrman's Sacco and Vanzetti [2001](, and the poetry (cabaret and classical) with spunk, clarity, and tone; I had (spanking) good time. "No More Boomerang," poem by the late Oodgeroo Noonuccal, includes these verses: "Abstract picturenow - What are they coming at? Cripes, in our caves we/Did better than that. ... No more message-stick; Lubras and lads/ Got television now,/ Mostly Ads. ..."