in magazine then still called The Music Connoisseur (v.3 #3, p.3)

Dear Mr. Cohen and Ms. Harding:
I was very pleased to read your review of our March "Blitzstein Cabaret" program in Vol.3,#2. Just a few minor corrections.
Richard Flusser did not say "Leonard Lehrman is Marc Blitzstein's dybbuk." He quote Leonard Bernstein as having said that. And the explanation of the term you quoted, "a spirit that will not let unfulfilled promises and dreams remain unfulfilled," is purely my own.

"The Parable of the Mirror" will eventually be part of Tales of Malamud, a project begun by Blitzstein in collaboration with Bernard Malamud, completed (and now being extended) by me. But for the moment the piece is entirely my own work, based on a Chasidic fable which is in the public domain. Your kind words about it were thus a review of my composition, and my only regret is that I did not thereby gain (though I should have) a place in your excellent index of composers.

I question the aptness of the word "outing" in your last sentence. Let's just say it's time Blitzstein got the full performance[s] and appreciation he and his work deserve. In particular, your comments on Sacco and Vanzetti were most welcome. I've just proposed a symposium on that opera for December 1st at the National Opera Association convention in Boston.

Leonard J. Lehrman
Roslyn, NY